Goody Bags - £7
Personal alarms, condoms, wet wipes, lip balm, sweets, etc. (contents can differ slightly according to need).
Gas or Electric - £10
Sometimes the street sex-workers charge as little as £10. In their own words “I just need a tenner for the gas”. We take the women to the local supply point and pay for £10 to be put on their payment card.
Toiletries Packs - £10
Towels, sanitary products, shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, toothbrush and paste, hairbrush (contents can differ slightly, according to need).
Days Out - £20
Some of the women have never been outside their hometown. We have the use of a seven seater and take them for days out to the beach or the countryside, or a local city to provide opportunities which will promote their positive development.
Bank Transfer
You can donate to Emerge Hub CIO via Bank Transfer using the details below, for one off payments or for setting up a standing order to come out periodically.
Emerge Hub CIO
Sort Code: 30-98-97
Account Number: 55909262
Training Courses - £30-£50
We have in-house trainers as well as using out of house trainers. We run courses for the women in the mornings to enhance their life skills and their personal development.
Weekend of Opportunity - £150
Once a woman has shown commitment to her own development we like to take her for a weekend break somewhere which will empower and inspire her to continue on her journey. (This would normally be at least one year into the program).
Start-Up Pack - £250
We work in partnership with local furniture suppliers to provide a start-up pack for a new home. This includes living room and bedroom furniture, white goods etc.
Emergency Accommodation - £100
We provide emergency accommodation for women in crisis or/and who have become homeless.
You can also donate to Emerge Hub CIO via PayPal using your PayPal account, or by using your credit or debit card. Click the Donate button below to be directed to the PayPal website so you can donate safely and securely.